Yates Community Library Blog
Moving Ahead, with Hope and Gratitude
Have you heard? Lyndonville is going to enjoy the excitement once again of hosting the all-out BEST Fourth of July celebration anywhere! I am so thankful for the weeks of careful thought and good judgment that went into making the decisions that would allow our town the most celebratory day possible, while paying heed to the guidelines put in place by the agencies that are responsible for keeping us safe. Thank you, Lyndonville Lions Club!
The summer celebration will continue every Monday evening in the Library’s beautiful backyard, with its “More Than Just Books” concert series, featuring your returning favorite performers like Blue Sky and Old Hippies, and welcoming groups newer to Lyndonville like Mystic Sisters, Mr. Mustard, and the Celtic Spirit Pipe Band. These outdoor concerts are free – you only need to bring a lawn chair or blanket, a picnic dinner if you like, and a love for live music of all kinds. We will follow whatever safety guidelines are in place when the concerts take place in July & August. This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!
And thank you, to the many who responded so generously to the Library’s Christmas Appeal, “Give the Gift of Reading!” In spite of this year’s stresses and strains, you recognized that having as many good books as possible available to EVERYONE, is a worthy remedy for these difficult times!
And, YES! There will be activities here for kids this summer, with plans developing each day. Watch for details here, on Facebook, or in the Library!
Thank you, music lovers and eager readers!
As soon as the grateful audiences for our six outdoor summer concerts folded up their chairs and returned home humming, the eager crowd of fall readers appeared! It’s been amazing to see SO many in the library this fall! As soon as our new books hit the shelves at our entrance, they’re in your hands and on their way home with you! About 2,500 books and movies have been checked out this fall, along with 250 free downloads or streaming episodes of TV shows, movies, books, audiobooks, and magazines from the online services Nioga and its member libraries provide.
A new crop of holiday books for children are on their way, with cozy novels from bestselling authors for adults already on the shelves. Here’s a glimpse of some of our currently-owned heartwarming and festive picture books for the whole family to enjoy together during the holidays:
Look for the special quiet moments that can actually happen this season in Deborah Underwood’s THE CHRISTMAS QUIET BOOK. Any surprise examples I might give would lack Renata Liwska’s endearing soft and fuzzy artwork. You’ll recognize these quiet moments (that might lead to loud ones) and chuckle.
Does watching the glorious tree go up in Rockefeller Center give you a thrill every November? Then you’ll want to know the story of RED & LULU, written and illustrated by Matt Tavares. A happy cardinal pair have made a home in the spruce that becomes that celebrated tree one year, and they have some adventures in New York City amidst the lights, crowds, and gently falling snow.
Our library owns the simply-told Little Golden Book classic, THE CHRISTMAS STORY, featuring the sweet and endearing classic illustrations of Rochester artist Eloise Wilkin, as beautiful as the story itself.
When I was very young, I remember begging my father to bring in a sizable branch from our cedar hedge soon after Thanksgiving (but well before a real Christmas tree could be bought and survive the heat of our coal-fueled furnace), so that I could decorate it and start celebrating. And so I was intrigued by the true story of very young Queen Charlotte, who came from Germany to marry England’s King George III in 1761. As a little girl she too decorated such a branch, and was one of the first to start a Christmas tree tradition in her native country. The story of her continuing this tradition in England, and her charitable work caring for children there, is beautifully told by Nancy Churnin in THE QUEEN AND THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE, a wonderful book for families to enjoy together.
And, among my most favorite discoveries, the tender story, HANUKKAH HAMSTER, is a shining example of what kindness and caring for one another, by “both sides,” can do for this world. And you never saw a cuter hamster than Chickpea. Michelle Markel is the author of this endearing holiday story.
Everyone at your Library wishes you good health, and quiet, memorable times in the special days ahead.
Welcoming You Back!
The front door of your library is now open, and we are excited to see you coming through it once again! We’ve taken all precautions to ensure your safety. You’ll see signage as you enter the library letting you know what you must do to help keep your neighbors safe during your visit: wear a mask or cloth face covering of your own; use hand sanitizer from our station at the door; and maintain 6-foot distancing with those not in your own household. We have new books for you to choose from, and everything on our shelves has been safely quarantined for the maximum recommended time. As soon as Interlibrary Loan is back in service, we’ll let you know.
Toys and the kids’ computer have been put away for a while in the children’s area, but instead you’ll find a huge bin full of inviting new titles to take home and enjoy!
And soon, we’ll be launching CHECKERS LIBRARY TV on our website, as well as posting details about how kids can track their reading this summer, with a welcome pack and prizes to follow.
Thank you for your patience all these long weeks, and let the glorious summer reading time begin!
To all our loyal library users
Thank you!
And congratulations on your patience in this trying time of library and other closures!
We’re in the process of planning safe steps for a gradual return to service, the timeline of which will be guided by recommendations from our Governor.
In the meantime, we’ll be safely scurrying to get new books and other materials ready for you (how about a Space Explorers’ Kit for families, featuring a real portable telescope, sky charts, and a game?).
We’ll also be maintaining a positive frame of mind about our summer GoArt-sponsored concerts, 7 of which have been scheduled.
May our vision of all of you coming to hear The Stoll Brothers, Blue Sky, and more, safely spread out in our lovely Veterans Park, on Monday evenings all summer long, become a reality! Please be hopeful along with us!
An Important Notice to Our Patrons
Yates Community Library will regretfully close its doors to the public, for an undetermined period of time, beginning at 5:00 PM today, Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This is due to the critical need to halt the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This decision was made with careful research of current, reliable information from the Centers For Disease Control and the Orleans County Health Department, and with thorough discussion among our trustees and our family of library users. We have stayed open the early part of this week so that folks may select the materials they need in person, complete their Census questionnaire online, and for other needs.
Here is our plan in order to provide you the best service we can in the days ahead:
No worries about Overdue Fines: all materials placed in our book drop, located to the left of our front door, will be checked in FINE-FREE.
We will make it easy for you to continue to obtain library materials to take home, with the following three ways to request books, DVDs, magazines, and books on CD, belonging to our library or many of the Nioga System member libraries.
Three ways to request materials:
- Call the library between 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, at (585) 765-9041, to speak with a staff person directly, or leave us a phone message CLEARLY AND SLOWLY stating your full name, with spelling of the last name, and the titles of materials you need, along with YOUR phone number;
- Place a Hold at www.nioga.org. You will need your borrower ID number and PIN.
- Email: yatescommunitylibrary@gmail.com
Staff will notify you when the items are available. We will check out the items, put them in a bag with your name attached, and place them on a table just inside our front door. Then, please pick them up here as soon as possible. The front door will be unlocked between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM on Mon, Tue, Thur, and Fridays. If this is not convenient, please call us at the above phone number to make an appointment.
To renew library materials:
- Call the library at (585) 765-9041 between 2:00 – 6:00 PM
- Log in to your account at www.nioga.org
ADDITIONALLY: Our WiFi is available 24/7 from the parking lot, from the spaces close to the building’s south side. It is not password-protected, nor is your data secure with this connection.
Please take this opportunity to try the online services available through the Nioga Library System, at www.nioga.org You can stream or download movies, books, audiobooks, magazines, comics, and more using Hoopla, Overdrive (Libby app), and RB Digital, when you set up an account using your 14-digit Borrower ID number on your library card.
Please Return All Items to the Book Return (slide them in individually, not in a bag), which is located outside our front door, in the corner to your left.
If, in an emergency situation, you need copies or faxing done, please call us between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM on Mon, Tue, Thur, or Friday and we will do our best to help you.
We will strive to answer any reference questions you have, M-F, except Wednesdays, between the hours of 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM; call us then, or leave a message. Or you can email us at:
Check the Library’s Facebook page for updates.
Helpful Programs Coming Up!
Tips for Tough Conversations
Free program presented by the Alzheimer’s Association at the Library:
TUESDAY, MARCH 3 at 10:00 AM
When someone shows signs of dementia, it’s time to talk. Often, conversations with family about changing behaviors can be challenging and uncomfortable. This program offers tips on how to have honest and caring conversations to address some of the most common issues.
Registration is optional, but appreciated. Please either stop by our circulation desk; call the Library at (585) 765-9041; or call the Alzheimer’s Association Helpline at
Rides For Seniors: How YOU Can Help!
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 10:30-11:30 AM at the Library
Orleans County Office for the Aging invites you to an informational meeting about the need for VOLUNTEER DRIVERS to give rides to local seniors for medical appointments or other important needs. You could make a wonderful difference in someone’s life, and make a new friend while doing so! Drivers will have the option to claim mileage reimbursement.
Please RSVP at our circulation desk, or by calling the Office for the Aging at (585) 589-3191.
Let the Library Help Make 2020 Your Best Year!
The staff at Yates Community Library thanks everyone for coming in to see us last year! We want to know of any way we can help you in the new year, whether it’s fulfilling your book and movie requests, or finding out your ideas for library programs, including speakers, artisans, or summer outdoor concerts you’d like to hear! Just stop by the desk and talk to us, or email your requests to yatescommunitylibrary@gmail.com.
The Alzheimer’s Association, Western NY Area Chapter, is currently offering these programs at our Library
The Lyndonville Caregiver Support Group meets at the library on the First Tuesday of every month at 11:00 AM. It’s free and open to the public!
Support groups create a safe, confidential, supportive environment or community and a chance for participants to develop informal mutual support and social relationships. They also educate and inform participants about dementia and help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems.
Please call the 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900 to register before attending your first group meeting.
Program: Tips For Tough Conversations at Yates Community Library on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. Free and open to the public!
When someone is showing signs of dementia, it’s time to talk. Often, conversations with family about changing behaviors can be challenging and uncomfortable. This program provides tips for breaking the ice with your family so you can address some of the most common issues that are difficult to discuss: going to the doctor for a diagnosis or medical treatment; deciding when to stop driving; and making legal and financial plans for future care.
Please call the 24/7 Helpline to register at 1-800-272-3900.
Thanksgiving Message from your friends at the Library
We count ourselves very fortunate every day, to enjoy your company
and your love of books! Thank you for being so enthusiastic about your
reading, and for sharing that joy with us. We welcome always, your
ideas for making the library more useful to you, and please know that it
makes our day to help you in any way we can! Have a wonderful
Christmas in Lyndonville
The Library will once again be participating in this much-anticipated annual event, which takes place this year on Saturday, December 7th in many places around town. We’ll be open our regular hours that day, from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM, then our doors will close while we get ready to take part in the celebration!
At 3:00 we will welcome you back in for activities: an easy winter craft for all to make; Christmas Bingo to play; puzzles and games at the tables; our tree to be decorated; giveaway books, and a place to get warm as you visit all the other downtown activities!
At 4:30, the library will start closing up so that folks can gather at the fire pits outside, for caroling and listening for Santa’s sleigh bells as he pays a special visit at 5:00 PM to light all the special trees in the park by the library. Don’t miss a bit of this festive day!
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Yates Community Library