Have you heard? Lyndonville is going to enjoy the excitement once again of hosting the all-out BEST Fourth of July celebration anywhere! I am so thankful for the weeks of careful thought and good judgment that went into making the decisions that would allow our town the most celebratory day possible, while paying heed to the guidelines put in place by the agencies that are responsible for keeping us safe. Thank you, Lyndonville Lions Club!
The summer celebration will continue every Monday evening in the Library’s beautiful backyard, with its “More Than Just Books” concert series, featuring your returning favorite performers like Blue Sky and Old Hippies, and welcoming groups newer to Lyndonville like Mystic Sisters, Mr. Mustard, and the Celtic Spirit Pipe Band. These outdoor concerts are free – you only need to bring a lawn chair or blanket, a picnic dinner if you like, and a love for live music of all kinds. We will follow whatever safety guidelines are in place when the concerts take place in July & August. This project is made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!
And thank you, to the many who responded so generously to the Library’s Christmas Appeal, “Give the Gift of Reading!” In spite of this year’s stresses and strains, you recognized that having as many good books as possible available to EVERYONE, is a worthy remedy for these difficult times!
And, YES! There will be activities here for kids this summer, with plans developing each day. Watch for details here, on Facebook, or in the Library!